Friday, May 1, 2009

Poster Sessions and Information Booth

Yesterday was my poster session. There were tons of fantastic posters examining child health and poverty. The people presenting the posters and those who came to view our work came from all over the country and the world. I asked the people presenting posters (that were near my poster) if I could take their pictures. Unfortunately, they were a bit camera shy. A lot of CPCers, including Kathie Harris, came by the poster session. I was able to get someone to snap a shot of the two of us in front of my poster.

I volunteered at the information booth after my poster session. PAA members asked a lot of questions. The Renaissance Center is a beautiful building, but it can be a little tricky to navigate. I did my best to direct people to the Ontario Exhibit Hall (where the poster sessions where being held) and to the People Mover. The Detroit Area bus tour was also very popular and many people were interested in attending the tour. My most interesting request was from a group of people from Asia, who wanted to know if they could go to Canada with a passport and an American visa.

One of the great things about PAA is that you see many familiar faces, but also get to meet new people at every meeting. I always look forward to coming to these meetings.

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